Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Academics Shoot Preview

Action and emotion

i think this photo shows the best emotion and action by catching the perfect moment where the experiment is exploding and it also fits this because their emotion on the kids faces
Fills the frame
 i think this photo fills the framing of it best because i like how the you only see the 2 children and other than that all you see is their center focus.

Best story
i think this photo tells the best story because the children are helping out the others by giving out food. i think this photo shows the best detail of what is happening in the photo, that is another reason why i chose this for the best story

Composition Shoot Directions

  1. i followed this rule by showing lines in my photograph
  2. the subject is the lines towards the bottom and running through the center of the photo
  3. it is clear to people what to look at in this photo 
  4. i followed all the rules but i don't like how the photo came out dark so i can improve on that

  1. i followed this rule well by having a plain background and having one subject
  2. the subject is the tv in the center of the photo
  3. it is very clear to people what to look at when you see this photo
  4. i followed the rule very well, i just wish i could've found a more interesting subject to use

Rule of Thirds
  1. i followed the rule by putting the subject somewhere else other than the center
  2. the subject is the flowers to the right of the photo
  3. it is clear to people seeing this photo what to focus on
  4. i think i did very well in this rule and  don't really know what u could've improved on in this picture 

  1. i think i followed the rule pretty well but there was room for improvement
  2. the main subject was the "don't not enter" sign and the flags to the right were supposed to balance the photo out
  3. it is clear to people what the main subject is but i think its hard to see the flags balancing out the photo
  4. i could've improved on making the subject balancing out the photo more viewable 

  1. i followed this rule well by having a center subject framed by material around me
  2. the subject was the person standing in the center of the photo
  3. i think it is clear that people know what to look at when they see this photo
  4. i feel like i could've improved this photo by not having so much stuff going on in what i used to frame the photo


  1. i followed the rule well by having something intersecting with the main subject or overlapping.
  2. the subject is my partner behind the blue bar
  3. it is not clear to people what my main subject is thats why i feel i followed this rule right
  4. i think i followed this rule well and know not what to do while taking a photo

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Principles of Design

Balance is the comfortable or pleasing arrangement of things in art.  There are three different types of balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial. The human figure is symmetrically balanced; the same on the left and right side. The tree is asymmetrically balanced; its branches are not distributed equally on each side, but their total weight is balanced left and right. The sun is an example of radial balance; all its rays are equal in length from the center.
i chose this painting because it is really balanced cause of the placement and how it is a human figure
i chose this photo because it shows the right amount of balance of the right and also the left side of the photo
Contrast is created by using elements that conflict with one another. Often, contrast is created using complementary colors or extremely light and dark values. Contrast creates interest in a piece and often draws the eye to certain areas. It is used to make a painting look interesting.
i chose this painting because of the black background. this helps show contrast from the woman in the picture to the background.
i chose this picture because of the light and dark contrast of the guys face.

Emphasis in the focal area of an artwork gives it importance.  An artist may stress some elements of the design over others. The eye of the viewer will focus on the area of emphasis or center of interest first, then take in the rest of the composition.
this painting shows good emphasis because it has a center focus
this picture shows good emphasis because you know where to look once you see the picture. 
Movement in an artwork means the artist is taking viewers on a trip through the work by means of lines, edges, shapes, and colors often leading to the focal area.  Movement is a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of placement and position.  Directional movement can be created with a value pattern. It is with the placement of dark and light areas that you can move your attention through the format.
i chose this painting because it shows the movement and flow of the water

i chose this picture because of the movement of all the people walking around
Patterns are made in art when the same shapes or elements are repeated again and again.  Pattern uses the elements of art in planned or random repetitions to enhance surfaces of paintings or sculptures.
i chose this painting because it shows many different designs that repeat

this picture shows patterns by the way the windows repeat after each other 
Rhythm is the repetition of shapes, lines, and forms.  Rhythm is a movement in which some elements recurs regularly.  Like a dance, it will have a flow of objects that will seem to be like the beat of music.
i chose this painting because of the way the lines flow and keep going in the painting 
ii chose this picture because the design of the shingles shows movement

Unity means that all elements in an artwork are in harmony.  Unity brings together a composition with similar units.  For example, if your composition was using wavy lines and organic shapes you would stay with those types of lines and not put in even one geometric shape
i chose this picture because of the way all the stuff in the picture matters and brings it all together as a photo
i chose this picture mainly because of the way the matches all come together and make it a nice photo

Elements of Art

this painting shows good lines in the zebras stripes.
this is a good example of lines because of the telephone wires

Lines are marks made by a pointed tool: brush, pencil, pen, etc. Lines can vary in width, direction, curvature, length, or color.
i choose this painting because it shows many shapes in it, like rectangles, triangles and squares.
this is a good examples of shapes because it shows circles.

 Shapes are formed wherever the ends of a continuous line meet. Geometric shapes such as circles, triangles or squares have perfect, uniform measurements and don't often appear in nature. Organic shapes are associated with things from the natural world, like plants and animals.
this painting shows a lot of the primary colors which is a good example for this subject
this is a good example for this subject because it shows many colors that are not the primary ones

Color wheels show the primary colors, secondary colors, and the tertiary (intermediate) colors. They
 also show the relationships between complementary colors across from each other, such as blue and orange; and analogous (similar or related) colors next to each other such as yellow, green, and blue. Black and white may be thought of as colors but, in fact, they are not. White light is the presence of all color; black is the absence of reflected light and therefore the absence of color.
this is a good picture to show value because of the grayness of the picture and the way the cloud pops with that white.
this is a good example of value because of the  black and white effect that it has

Value, or tone, refers to dark and light; the value scale refers to black and white with all gradations of gray in between.  Value contrasts help us to see and understand a two-dimensional work of art.

this painting has a lot of form because of how 3 dimensional it looks
this is also a good photo that shows form because of how it shows the 3 dimensional affect by their arms extending out

Form describes objects that are three-dimensional, having length, width, and height.
this painting shows a lot of emptiness in it which shows a lot of space
i chose this photo because of how much space it showed and how it had a 3 dimensional effect 

Space refers to distances or areas around, between, or within components of a piece. Space can be positive (white or light) or  negative (black or dark), open or closed,shallow or deep, and two-dimensional or three-dimensional. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rules of photo composition

this picture shows the element of line usage. it has a good background because of the way the photographer used to lines

this picture isn't the best because of all the merging that is going into all the players and the background

this photo is using the element simplicity. its a good photo because of how well they focused on johnny manziel and blurred out the background

this is a nice photo because of how the used the tunnel as the frame of the picture to focus it on the main person

this is a good picture because of the balance it uses. there is a person on the left and right side which balances out the photo evenly

Friday, September 12, 2014

top 45 photos

i like this photo because of how different both sides of a photo can be. one side is just a blur and the other clear, i like it mostly because of the creativeness to even think of taking a photo like that and also how well placed the picture is, it is pretty much perfectly  divided in half and shows great placement.

i think i would like to go onto a beach and find shots like that or maybe even go somewhere where there is dry like where everything is just like a dessert and maybe take some shots of animals or any species i can find.  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

i liked your blog mostly because of how well focused all of your pictures were. Also the colors that were involved in all of the pictures.

i think one thing that could be improved what more interesting subjects.

The DSLR Explained Tutorial

What happens when you move the Aperture slider to the LEFT?
  •  Inside the Camera: It becomes wider 
  • To the Image: it becomes to bright to view
What happens when you move the Aperture slider to the RIGHT?
  • Inside the Camera: the aperture gets smaller 
  • To the Image: the image gets to dark 
What happens when you move the Shutter slider to the LEFT?
  • Inside the Camera: the shutter closes more slowly which makes the picture brighter 
  • To the Image: it becomes brighter
What happens when you move the Shutter slider to the RIGHT?
  • Inside the Camera: the shutter closes faster which makes the picture darker
  • To the Image: it becomes darker
What happens when you move the ISO slider to the LEFT?
  • Inside the Camera: the iso speed is slower
  • To the Image: the image becomes more clear
What happens when you move the ISO slider to the RIGHT?
  • Inside the Camera: the iso speed is faster
  • To the Image: the image becomes to bright 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Color, Shape and Contrast




Camera History

Camera Obscure

"camera obscure" is Latin for "dark room". this was the first camera. the hole acted like a lens, focusing and projecting light onto the wall of the dark chamber.

17th century invention

in the 17th century isaac newton and christian huygens perfecting the understanding of optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses.

First Modern Camera

Joseph Nicephore added the final touch to cameras in the era. he invented the first modern camera by adding film to create the first successful photograph.

Nicephore's Camera vs Modern Cameras

Both cameras have light thats passes through the lens , into the camera and explores the film.

Digital Film 

Digital cameras capture the images with an electronic sensor called a CDD. photographs are stored on reusable computer memory devices.

Auto vs Program

on auto the camera will control when to use the flash when on program the camera flash is more in your control and less in the cameras.

Portrait Mode

portrait mode helps to create center attention to an object your are shooting an will blur out your background

Sports Mode

sports mode is used not just for sports but for fast moving objects that will cause the fast moving object to freeze.

Half Press

half pressing helps your to focus on your object and could also help you get a clearer shot.

Disable Flash

This makes sure there is no flash when you take your shot.


This will help you by the camera using the flash when it prefers to use it or it thinks you will need it to improve a shot.

Too Much Light

To much light will cause your photo to be washed out by the light or brightness of the photo.

Not Enough Light

Not enough light will cause your picture to be to dark to see enough details.


The term "stop" is used in everything in photography to represent a relative change in the brightness of light.

How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are two sons instead of one?

there is only going to be 1 stop.

How many stops brighter is the new planet if there are four sons instead of two?

there would be 2 stops if there were 4 sons. 

Long Shutter

Long shutters allow more light.

Short Shutter
Short shutters allow less light.

Aperture Settings

Aperture is like the pupil of an eye, it controls how much like to absorb.

Adjusting The Aperture 

To make the aperture increase in brightness you will have to make it more open.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

40 greatest images

this photo attracted me emotionally by jfk's son showing his respect for his father after his death
   i think this how pretty the earth is from far away and from another point of view which i like                          

this photo surprised me cause of how brave this person moust have been to do this and stand up for what they feel

i find this picture interesting just because of how it is set up, the situation that they are in and just how everything goes together in the picture.

canva pictures