Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Aperture and Shutter speed practice

F4  – looks the best at 1/125 of a second shutter speed.
- The background for F4 at 1/125 of a second for the shutter speed causes a blurred background
F5.6 – looks the best at 1/60 of a second shutter speed.
- The background for f5.6 is blurred out with a 1/60 of a second shutter 
F8  – looks the best at 1/60 of a second shutter speed.
- The background is blurred with a shutter speed of 1/60
F11  – looks the best at 1/30 of a second shutter speed.
-the background is blurred but is still visible 
F16  – looks the best at 1/30 of a second shutter speed.
- background is blurred but is still visible 
F22  – looks the best at 1/8 of a second shutter speed.
- background isn't really blurred, it is very visible 

The images get blurrier as the shutter speed slows down 
making the shutter faster to balance out what you're trying to shoot 
i believe the F5.6 aperture and a 1/60 of a second make the best photograph

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